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Sunday, 9 May 2010

Why Nikole isn't posting :(

Well, a lotta people have been asking about why Nikole isn't here... :[
Well the reason for that is because she passed away.

In April . But we weren't informed until the 1st May 2010.
But It's horrific on HOW she passed away :'(

Heres something we hope will explain it:

It was just another typical day in the town where Nikole lived.
She was walking with some of her gal pals when suddenly hand clamped over all of the girl's mouths and they were thrown into the back off a truck.

Omg :( This is awful.

Nikole was panacking. Her friend were VERY scared.
A couple of hours later the truck came to a jolt. Nikole and her friend were taken and blindfolded. Then they were beaten up, Then Nikole heard one of her friends scream. She looked down from her blindfold and saw blood trickling down the floor. She then heard another of her friends scream and more blood. Then she realised they were being KILLED. Two friends later Nikole realised she had to do something. So she tried to run. She TRIED. One of the men caught her and shot her. and who knows what else they did to her.

The men actually admitted this in court! >;o

We all pray for Nikole and hopes she Rests In Peace. and may she take her revenge on the 4 men who killed her and her 3 friends. One of the first friends who were killed was killed Kylie. May she also R.I.P
We will always remember Nikole as a funny girl :')

ALL the staff of C.P.M.A.N.