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Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Yay and more...

Hey everyone! I got Sky so now, I CAN UPLOAD! -blair-

So. You all know the igloo contest, well have you been getting festive to enter, I have heres my igloo ;) I'm proud to present FESTIVE IGGY:

Hahaha, Nah it's not mine (my membership expires but I will get 1 year membership in 2 weeks) It's...

Mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep courtny99 this is kool right i love snowmen!

And , me -Crystal- well i met rockhopper! hey kool huh!

DARN! Ive been searching cp high and low and you just log on and find him!


Lol, so more news

Tips, on how to win a snowball fight! Yes, so another thing i do not own. Cafina and Peggi Quin -did i spell it alright?- so... here!

Here are some (hopefully!) useful tips on snowball wars:

1. Don't you turn your back for a second! The minute you glance at your watch, momentarily distracted...SMACK! A snowball from your opponent has just hit your face. This is quite an important thing to remember, even though it seems so simple.

2. Be as quick as possible! If you are just waiting for your opponent to hit you with a snowball, they WILL! Be just fast enough to duck under your fort, or maybe dodge a snowball. I chose snowball fights because, as I said before, it is the most perfect time of the year. The forts at the Snow Forts have been rebuilt, and they're amazing! So go out there, get a couple friends, and use this guide to win the Snowball Wars!

Hehe given me ideas.




Hey so I went over to my fave christmassy place: THE FOREST and , sure enough, ORNAMENTS. they were being throwed.. WHAT ? oh yeah I didnt tell you what they are,

If you go to the forest and throw a snowball at the HUUUUUUGE chritmas tree it turn into a ornament -a.k.a chritmas decoration- I dont have a pic, but my friend, Peggie Quin does so here it is.

Thats her, hehe. So lets get decorating
P.S: I give full credit to Peggie Quin , and Cafina!

ciao for now,
SE YA!!!!! -Crystal-
ttyl -Roselinda-
bii! -blair-

Oh yeah P.P.S : Blendina is on holiday, sooo she isnt here till January 4th i think

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