Hey, Guys.
So I decided to Finnaly do my Ask Blair and Tips (c)
And, I have a mystery Ask Blair , well 3 actually.
Dear Blair
I really wanna buy some furniture on club penguin.
How do I?
From, Furniture penguin
Dear Furniture penguin,
Well to buy Furniture all you have to do is click the tape measure on the bottom right hand
on the corner of the screen (In you're igloo of course.) and click on the catalouge. Then you have
a whole Catalouge of Lovely furniture! Though you must have the correct amount of Coins.
Yours truly, Blair
Dear Blair
I realy realy want to meet aunt Arctit how do I?
From: xoselenaxopenguinxoxoxoxo
Dear xoselenaxopenguinxoxoxoxo,
Wow you have a long name. Kinda' like my youtube name. And I think you mean Aunt Arctic. And really, really. Well meeting her is really hard. She only usally apears at Music Jams Backstage. To learn more about how to find famous penguinss. Look in my blog roll and click on the The Awsome Penguins.
They have Awsome advice (:
Dear Blair,
wheres youre pengunin map?
from . Penguinnewbe
Dear Penguin new be.
Loadsa penguins send me things that don't spell , well oh forget it . Well look on the bottom left corner and click on that and click on the place you want to go.
Well, thats all for now, bye
THANKS for all the FUN and WADDLE ON :)
8 years ago
hay it's me nikolechesnut from cp and u tube i made this yesterday im following u by the way and how do u add people on here? or cant u? well the other thing was how did u get that cp play now thing? its sooo cute! i always watch it!