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Saturday, 2 January 2010


Hey guys, As none of my other friend's are here I might as well be the first Blogging person to tell you about the new catalogue and pin... Hm well I have HALF the new stuff! The only thing's I don't have is,

Gold watch and designer glasses! My penguin is 1070 day's old.... So here's the hidden stuff to the NEW items oh and the reason the x4 is there is because if you click it 4 times the you'll get the blue viking helmet...

Well, I did say the NEW items.... well the pin is.. In the lighthouse.. At least that's something I don't have! Its because Of the Parka item that I'm mad! Penguins were always saying to me...

"Wow that's so cool where is it hidden!!!!!!??????" or "Oh my,, I REALLY WANT THAT!"

well now tey have it!!

O.K Bye for now

-Blair/No longer rare ... HM I'm soon miserable!!!!!!!

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